There are exciting things happening in Allentown!
One of these things is called Allentown From The Ground Up. It's a small social networking/activism* community that my friends and I started. Despite Allentown’s status as a “small city,” I’ve found some difficulty getting in contact with people my age who are interested in the welfare of the city.
We work to get Allentown’s active citizens to connect with each other outside of the workplace. Right now, it’s about having a good time in the city, but in the future it just might be about fixing up the city we care about.
Andrew, Bryan and I were in Bucky Boyle park not too long ago, kicking around the trash on the waterfront and we realized that there have got to be some other people who want to do things like this with us. Then we thought that kicking trash around isn’t such an appealing thing. So we decided to do events that are fun. Like the Iron Pigs!
So, come out and join us for an Iron Pigs game on May 30th. We’ll meet outside the gates at 6:30 and, since it’s the Iron Pigs, you can be sure it’s going to be a good time.
Also, check out our Twitter and Facebook page. If you can connect to us through that, too, we'll be sure to keep you in the loop for all the activities we're planing.
*Now, when I say “social networking” you’re going to think of those websites like Facebook. Don’t get the wrong idea, we’re on facebook, but we also exist in the real world. You know. That place from which you type up your comments? Where you eat? Yes, that one.
Boo, going to a Phillies game that night :(
You guys should get in touch with Muhlenberg and in particular Jefferson Pooley, who is a rad dude/professor who is very interested in revitalizing Allentown!
-Josh P.M.!
AWESOME !!! Creating something out of nothing to fill a void !!! How radical is that ??? Let me know if we can collaborate...
Oh, and although I prefer clubbing and dancing over a sporting event, I promise to make an exception and join you all at one in the very near future...
@glenn - "boo" to a phillies game? you are some kind of crazy!
@joshpm - we will! I think I am friends with him on facebook! I am also an emphatic supporter of the exclamation point! but not quite as much as much as david malki! ...
@J. Black - i really want to hit up an Allentown club sometime, just to see what it's about. we should definitely collaborate!
I'm saying boo to the fact that you picked a day I can't make it, not boo to the fact I'm going to a Phillies game :)
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